Saturday, July 17, 2010

First post

What have I learned about action research and how might I be able to use it?
I have learned a lot about action research and how valuable this process is to an administrator. I actually used this process in my classroom without knowing the terminology or research behind the practice. I daily reflected on my lesson asking questions and gathering data. I used that information to plan for the next lesson. Although a shorter version of the action research for a school, it is an active model of inquiry. The process of asking questions and then using data to analyze what you know and do not know. This information can then be used to make informed deicsions about improvements in the school, community, or professional environment. It allows professionals to continually ask questions about their practices, work together to analyze and interpret data, and then make adjustments to those practices. It also allows for collaboration and professional discussions which is so different from the concept of teachers doing their jobs in isolation. This ongoing, collaborative, and spiraling method of making improvements is effective and an essential component of school improvement. Action research is very powerful especially when our students and circumstances change from year to year and sometimes day to day.

Analysis of how educational leaders might use blogs.
Blogs can be an excellent tool for principals to keep a journal type thought reflection of their inquiry. It is something that can easily be updated and in an interactive format. It also allows the principal to receive feedback from whomever he/she allows access to the blog. The use of blogs for data collection is also valuable. It allows the principal to return at anytime and analyze/reflect on his/her thinking.

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